How to Putt Better: Know Your Roll

Jeff K Apr 16, 2024
45 People Read
Odyssey blade putter lining up to putt a Callaway golf ball
Table of Contents
  1. Key Takeaways
  2. Choosing the Right Putter
  3. Putting Setup
    1. Establishing an Effective Routine
  4. Distance and Direction Control
    1. Grip and the Low Point
    2. The Role of Shoulders and Contact
  5. Understanding the Green
  6. What are Some Putting Drills for Consistency?
  7. What are the Mental Aspects of Putting?
  8. Advanced Techniques and Tips
    1. Improving Ball Position
    2. Target Line and Path Control
  9. Which Grip Techniques Improve Putting Accuracy?
    1. Related Posts

Are you losing a bunch of strokes on your scorecard because you put off learning how to putt better?

We have all heard the old saying, “drive for show, putt for dough.” While arguments can be heard from some corners debating this, I would need extra hands to count the number of the fingers required to represent times reaching a par 5 green in two shots for an eagle opportunity, only to three-putt my way to a par.

While playing Sundays with friends does entail you to more, let’s say generous, gimmes, it always feels a lot better when you’re sinking the 5 foot and beyond putts to earn birdies and pars (or even grabbing bogey from the jaws of double bogey) after hitting your driver consistently and chip shots all day to get close.

Let's dive into some tips to give you some gains in your putting ability and on your card.

Key Takeaways

  • Take the time to understand your line by reading the green for any undulation that will impact your putt.

  • Lift your putter head slightly off the ground before starting your stroke to prevent resistance and keep a smooth stroke.

  • Use a smooth movement of the shoulders and keep the body from any other unnecessary motion throughout

Choosing the Right Putter

Before we get into improving putting, selecting the right putter will significantly impact your game depending on your putting stroke, so taking the time to choose.

When selecting your ideal putter, key factors include putter feel, head type, length, and putter alignment.

Learn more about the types of putters in depth and which is best for your game.


Putting Setup

To improve your putting stroke, start with a proper setup. Set up with your feet shoulder-width apart with a slight knee bend. Your eyes should be directly over the ball or slightly inside.

Keep your weight centered over your feet in your stance so it’s stable as a base.

Establishing an Effective Routine

An effective pre-shot routine helps to develop consistency and confidence in your putting stroke.

Start with reading the green, which we will learn about further down, and visualizing the line you want your putt to follow.

Once you determine the line, take a few practice strokes to solidify your speed and feel. When you're ready to putt, avoid excessive thoughts about mechanics.

Focus on a simple thought like maintaining the triangle formed by your arms and shoulders throughout the stroke or visualizing the ball rolling along your intended path.

Golfer lining up a putt with an Odyssey White Hot putter

Having a consistent routine helps you maintain a clear mind and minimizes the influence of external factors, like wind or bumps and other crap on the green , as long as you are committed to putting towards your determined target line after reading the green.

Remember that good putters are skillful at maintaining a smooth and rhythmic stroke instead of trying to accelerate the putter head.


Distance and Direction Control

Grip and the Low Point

Your grip directly impacts the low point of your stroke, which affects the consistency of your putts. A consistent grip helps you maintain a steady low point.

The low point is critical for solid ball contact and distance control.

Experiment with different grip styles to find the one that suits you best and allows consistent speed and contact.

Lecturing what grip I think is best will not help you because everyone is comfortable doing their own thing.

As long as you practice getting the smooth dynamics of the shoulder movement and putting stroke down, and you’re comfortable with whatever grip style you choose, you will see consistency and results.

Happy Gilmore is proof of this.

The Role of Shoulders and Contact

Your shoulders play a key role in putting distance and direction control. As you set up to putt, ensure your shoulders are square to the target line and rotate them in unison during the stroke.

By keeping your shoulders level and moving together, you can minimize excessive body movements and improve the quality of contact to get consistent distances on your putts.

To ensure solid contact, keep your head still throughout the stroke.

Avoid looking up too early to see where the ball is going, as this can cause your shoulders to move out of sync and compromise the contact quality.

Don’t peek! Trust your alignment and follow through with your stroke in rhythm.



Before beginning your putting motion, lift the putter head off the ground SLIGHTLY so that no friction ensues between the grass of the green and your putter head. This will ensure your stroke is smooth and contact with the ball is as planned.

Understanding the Green

Influence of Slope

When putting, understand the green's slope and how it can impact your putt. I know I watch tour players line up their putts to have their target facing almost 90 degrees away from the hole, only to have the putt lag up within a few feet of the hole, if not sink it.

The slope, and how steep, will thoroughly mess with your putt and determine whether your putt breaks to the left or right and whether it travels uphill or downhill.

As you approach the green, take note of the surrounding landscape. Observe if there is a noticeable tilt, as this will likely dictate the slope of the green.

Additionally, during your practice strokes, try to gauge the firmness of the green and the speed of your putts on the general slope, which will help account for these factors during your actual putt.


Estimating Break on a Putt

Breaks are a fun aspect of putting…


To effectively read the breaks, consider the following steps:

  • Survey the green from a distance: As you approach the green, look for noticeable undulations and elevation changes. This initial overview will help you visualize the overall breaks and bends.

  • Walk the path: Trace the path your ball will follow from the ball's location to the hole. Observe the ground closely and feel any changes in elevation with your feet along your intended line. This will help you better understand the potential breaks.

  • Crouch behind the ball: Get down low, placing your eyes at the same level as the ball, and look towards the hole. This perspective will enable you to estimate the breaks and bends more accurately.

  • Consider the break direction: Determine the direction of the break, whether it is uphill, downhill, or moving laterally. The slope and the type of grass can also affect the breaks. For example, bent grass greens allow for shorter cuts, leading to faster greens without much grain.

  • Adjust your aim: Based on your estimated breaks and bends, adjust your aim to account for uphill or downhill tendencies, as well as left or right breaks. Keep practicing your aim and stroke to build confidence on the green.


PING Blade putter with alignment line 


When walking the line between your ball and the hole, pick a few points along the line and stand with your feet well balanced with one on each side of your line, with your belt buckle facing the hole.

If you feel your weight heavier on either your left foot or right, your ball will break the same way as the foot that feels like it is holding more weight.

Sometimes, the eyes have a more difficult time seeing the break, but this weight feeling shifting to either of your feet is quite noticeable and a helpful determining factor.

The more weight you feel on whichever side it is going, the more break will impact the ball roll, and you should aim your target line further in the opposite direction of the break to account for this.

Another tip is when you have read the green and determined how much break you think is in the putt, align your ball to aim at what you believe the apex of the break to be.

If you aim at this apex and contact the ball with the right speed, the ball should break smoothly toward the hole as intended and lag up nicely; if not go in.

The more you practice this, and putt on more undulating greens, the better you will be at reading these breaks.


What are Some Putting Drills for Consistency?

Lag Putting Drill and Short Putts Drills

Here are some valuable drills to help you improve your consistency in these aspects of putting:

Ladder Drill: This drill focuses on improving your lag putting consistency.

To perform this drill:

  • Line up 5 balls in intervals starting 3 feet from the hole and extending to 15 feet from the hole.

  • Take turns putting each ball, trying to get each one closer to the hole without going past it.

  • Repeat this exercise to improve your distance control and touch.

Coin Drill: This short putts drill will help you increase your confidence when facing short putts.

To perform the Coin Drill:

  • Place a coin 3 feet from the hole.

  • Putt towards the coin, trying to strike it with the ball.

  • The goal is to make consistent contact with the coin, training your muscle memory to sink short putts.


What are the Mental Aspects of Putting?

Like most things in life, confidence in putting is key.

Believing in your green reads, believing in your ability to maintain balance in your stroke, and believing in the practice work you put in to hit consistent distances can greatly impact your performance on the green.

Use visualization during your pre-shot routine to see the ball go into the hole. This technique is vital for building your confidence, as it helps you focus on the desired outcome.

Start with a positive attitude, which allows you to make your best stroke.

Remember that putting involves a lot of feeling, which can be acquired through practice. A confident mind can improve your putting performance.

Advanced Techniques and Tips

Improving Ball Position

Here are some techniques to improve your ball position:

  • Alignment: Position the ball slightly ahead of the center of your stance. This ensures the putter's sweet spot makes contact with the ball for a smoother roll.

  • Consistency: Maintain a consistent ball position throughout your putting stroke. Avoid changing it up, as variations can affect the accuracy and speed of your putts.

  • Pre-shot routine: Develop a pre-shot routine to ensure your ball position remains consistent. This can be as simple as placing the putter behind the ball first and then positioning your feet.


Target Line and Path Control

Controlling the target line and path is vital for a successful putt. Here are some putting tips to enhance your control:

  • Visualize the target line: This will help you stay focused on your end goal and improve the accuracy of your putts.

  • Path control: During your stroke, keep the putter on the intended target line. Make sure your arm and shoulder movements are coordinated to guide the putter smoothly.

  • Square putter face: Ensure that your putter face is square to the target at both address and impact. This will help maintain the desired target line and avoid any unwanted curve in your putts.

  • Practice drills: Implement drills to work on the accuracy of your target line and path control, such as placing alignment sticks.


Which Grip Techniques Improve Putting Accuracy?

Several grip techniques can help improve your putting accuracy. 

One common grip is the reverse overlap grip, which limits wrist movement during the stroke, enhancing stability.

Another option is the baseball bat grip, suitable for beginners and involves placing all ten fingers on the putter.

Choosing a grip that YOU feel comfortable and consistent with is all that matters to get results.

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Table of Contents
  1. Key Takeaways
  2. Choosing the Right Putter
  3. Putting Setup
    1. Establishing an Effective Routine
  4. Distance and Direction Control
    1. Grip and the Low Point
    2. The Role of Shoulders and Contact
  5. Understanding the Green
  6. What are Some Putting Drills for Consistency?
  7. What are the Mental Aspects of Putting?
  8. Advanced Techniques and Tips
    1. Improving Ball Position
    2. Target Line and Path Control
  9. Which Grip Techniques Improve Putting Accuracy?
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